Lipid Lunacy

"The Obesity Epidemic is the most comprehensive demolition job on the arrogance and ignorance of the health profession I have ever read".
Barry Groves Author of Trick and Treat: How 'healthy eating' is making us ill

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References - Chapter 14

“Do more” – the role of exercise

281 Gary Taubes, “Why we gain weight. Adiposity 101 and the alternative hypothesis of obesity”, (6 May 2009).
283 Anton J.M. Wagenmakers, “Type 2 Diabetes: Insulin Resistance May Be the Result of Mitochondrial Dysfunction.” Public Library of Science Medicine, (2005).
284 William L. Haskell, I-Min Lee, Russell R. Pate, Kenneth E. Powell, Steven N. Blair, Barry A. Franklin, Caroline A. Macera Gregory W. Heath, Paul D. Thompson and Adrian Bauman, “Physical Activity and Public Health: Updated Recommendation for Adults from the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association”, (2007). And in turn, the reference from within this document is:
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288 (*) “Britons watch a day of television every week”, The Daily Telegraph, (10 February 2010).
289 is the calculator used for consistency throughout this book. This is one of the more sophisticated calculators available on the internet, as it allows for weight variation and time variation for hundreds of different activities.
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