Lipid Lunacy

"The Obesity Epidemic is the most comprehensive demolition job on the arrogance and ignorance of the health profession I have ever read".
Barry Groves Author of Trick and Treat: How 'healthy eating' is making us ill

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References - Chapter 8

Why did we change our diet advice?

126 Ancel Keys, J. T. Anderson, Olaf Mickelsen, Sadye F. Adelson and Flaminio Fidanza, “Diet and Serum Cholesterol in Man: Lack of Effect of Dietary Cholesterol”, The Journal of Nutrition, (1955).
127 Anitschkow N., “Ueber die Veranderungen der Kaninchenaorta bei experimenteller Cholesterinsteatose”, Beitr Pathol Anat 56:379-404. (1913).
129 (*)
130 (*)
131 Keys et al, “Volume XLI: The Study Programme and objectives”, Circulation, (April 1970).
132 (*) Minnesota University Archives. Author Henry Blackburn – one of the researchers on the Seven Country Study project. (
133 Keys et al, “Volume XLI: The Study Programme and objectives”, Circulation, (April 1970).
134 Morris et al. “Coronary Heart Disease and physical activity of work”, The Lancet, (1953).
135 (*) Minnesota University Archives. Author Henry Blackburn.
136 A.S. Dontas, A. Menotti, C. Aravanis, P. Ioannidis, F. Seccareccia, “Comparative total mortality in 25 years in Italian and Greek middle aged rural men”, Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, (1998).
137 Dr. Malcolm Kendrick, The Great Cholesterol Con, published by John Blake, (2007).
138 William Castelli, Archives of Internal Medicine, (July 1992), 152:7:1371-1372. (“Concering the possibility of a nut…” is the full title of this brief editorial comment.)
139 Gary Foster et al, “A randomised trial of a low-carbohydrate diet for obesity”, New England Journal of Medicine, (May 2003).
140 (*)
141 The Horizon programme transcript says that 120 people were involved in the study, half on Atkins, half on low fat. This was not accurate. There were 63 participants in the Foster study. The programme also mentioned and interviewed Dr. Eric Westman, who had done a study with 51 subjects placed on a <25g per day low carbohydrate diet – not dissimilar to Atkins, but not strictly Atkins and there was no low fat comparator group. This was presented in the American Journal of Medicine, July 2002
142 Atkins RC. Dr. Atkins’ new diet revolution, revised edition, Avon Books, (1998).
143 Brownell KD, The LEARN program for weight management 2000, Dallas: American Health Publishing, (2000).
145 Keys et al, “Inter-cohort differences in coronary heart disease mortality in the 25-year follow-up of the Seven Countries Study”, (Tables 1 and 4), European Journal of Epidemiology, (1993).
146 Dr. R. Scragg, “Seasonality of cardiovascular disease mortality and the possible protective effect of ultra-violet radiation”, International Journal of Epidemiology, (December 1981).
147 Robert H. Lustig, “The Fructose Epidemic”, The Bariatrician, (June 2009).
148 Ricciuto L., Lin K., Tarasuk V., “A comparison of the fat composition and prices of margarines between 2002 and 2006 when new Canadian labelling regulations came into effect”, Public Health Nutrition, (2009).
149 Jakobsen M.U., O’Reilly E.J., Heitmann B.L., Pereira M.A., Bälter K., Fraser G.E., Goldbourt U., Hallmans G., Knekt P., Liu S., Pietinen P., Spiegelman D., Stevens J,. Virtamo J., Willett W.C., Ascherio A., “Major Types of dietary fat and risk of coronary heart disease: a pooled analysis of 11 cohort studies”, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, (2009).
151 (*)
152 G Ghirlanda, A Oradei, A Manto, S Lippa, L Uccioli, S Caputo, AV Greco, and GP Littarru, “Evidence of plasma CoQ10-lowering effect by HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study”, The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, (1993).
153 M.S Brown & J. L Goldstein, “A receptor mediated pathway for cholesterol homeostatis”, Science, (1986).
154 Garrett & Grisham, Biochemistry, 2nd Edition, (1995).
155 John William Gofman, “Diet in the prevention and treatment of myocardial infarction”, American Journal of Cardiology, (February 1958).
156 Cystic Fibrosis Trust, UK.
157 (*)
158 Jensen RG, Hagerty MM, McMahon KE, “Lipids of human milk and infant formulas: a review“, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, (June 1978).
159 EH Mangiapane, AM Salter, Diet, Lipoproteins and Coronary Heart Disease: A Biochemical Perspective, Nottingham University Press, (1999).